Development Management Consulting
Partnership for Development Capacity Consult - PDCC Uganda - Development Management Services

Empowering Communities for Sustainable Development: Our Services at PDCC

Welcome to Partnership for Development Capacity Consult (PDCC), your trusted consulting firm dedicated to fostering sustainable development across communities. Through our tailored approach and expertise in Development Research and Management, we aim to empower organizations and individuals to drive positive change.

Development Management Services

a. Training and Development Planning

We specialize in facilitating strategic development planning processes that align with your vision and objectives. Our team is equipped to develop manuals tailored to your specific needs, ensuring clarity and consistency in your training programs. Through our Training of Trainers (ToT) sessions, we empower individuals to become effective educators and leaders within their communities. Additionally, we offer expertise in project planning, monitoring, and evaluation, providing you with the tools to track progress and measure success.

b. Agriculture and Livelihood Development

In the realm of agriculture and livelihood development, we offer a plethora of services aimed at fostering sustainable growth and resilience.

  • Farm Planning and Management: Our experts work with farmers to devise comprehensive plans that optimize resources and maximize yields.
  • Value Chain Studies: We conduct in-depth analyses of specific enterprises to identify opportunities for value addition and market expansion.
  • Baseline Surveys: Through rigorous data collection and analysis, we establish benchmarks to guide future interventions and assess impact.
  • Program and Project Evaluation: We evaluate the effectiveness of programs and projects, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Gender, Climate Change, and Environment Mainstreaming: Our approach integrates gender perspectives, climate change mitigation, and environmental sustainability into agricultural practices.
  • Agro-Technology Development: We stay abreast of the latest advancements in agricultural technology, helping farmers adopt innovative solutions to enhance productivity.
  • Farmer-to-Farmer Extension: Through coaching and mentorship programs, we foster knowledge sharing and skill development among farmers.
  • Farmer Institutional Development: We support the formation and strengthening of farmer groups and cooperatives, enabling collective action and resource mobilization.
  • Farm Business Planning: Our experts provide guidance on business strategy, financial management, and market linkages to enhance the viability and profitability of farm enterprises.

At PDCC, we believe in the power of partnerships and collaboration to drive meaningful change. Whether you’re an individual seeking training and capacity building or an organization aiming to implement impactful development projects, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Contact Us

Phone: +256772589499 or +256752589499


Physical Address:

Nyipir Road, Nebbi Municipal Council (Opposite AFARD Office)

West Nile Sub-Region

Rep. of Uganda

Reach out to us today, and let’s embark on a journey towards sustainable development together!